Read the following paragraph and choose the best topic sentence from the four options that follow. Write the corresponding letter of your choice on the answer sheet.  The brain is very sensitive to the level of energy in the light that passes through the eyes, with different colors of light carrying different amounts of energy. According to a recent research, blue suggests harmony and relaxation. It is the color of nature in relaxed form and it encourages social communication. Orange and yellow suggest a positive future, the point being that the color of signs surrounding roadwork is clearly meant to encourage frustrated drivers to think beyond the current delays. It is the same case with shapes. A triangular (三角的)sign has points and represents danger, which is why the shape is used for warning signs. Rectangular (矩形的)signs are the same shape as a book and therefore give information. Round signs are instructional. They look like the end of a pointing finger giving you an instruction.
A、ertain shapes used in road signs are meant to convey specific information.
B、right colors could encourage communication and evoke positive emotions.
C、ifferent colors and shapes may create different reactions in the human brain.
D、ifferent levels of energy in the light provoke different psychological reactions.
【题目解析】:本段文字主要是讲解颜色和形状对大脑的所产生的意义,比如蓝色暗示着和谐和放松,三角形预示着危险等等。所以选择C. Different colors and shapes may create different reactions in the human brain.(不同的颜色和形状对大脑产生不同的反应)。

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