You arc director of Human Resources. Your company has just introduced a new tuition reimbursement program for the coming year. Write a memo to all staff to tell them the conditions for the reimbursement :
• full-time employees can be reimbursed for S3,500 a year for tuition if they take courses related to their current position ;
• they should hand in an application form signed by their immediate supervisor two weeks before the classes begin;
• they should also earn a “C” grade or belter in the course.
【正确答案】:From: Darlene Banner,Director of Human Resourecs
To: ALL StaffDate:(Today's date)
Subject: New Tuition Reimbursement ProgramStarting from January 1<>st> next year, full-time employees can be reimbursed for up $3,500 a year for tuition when you take courses related to your current position.To apply, you should fill out an application form,have it signed by your immediate supervisor,and return it to the Office at least two weeks before classes start.You'll be reimbursed when you earn a "C" grade or better in the course.Just bring a copy of the approved application,a statement of the tuition paid,and an official grade report to the Office of Human Resources.
【题目解析】:备忘录的五个构成部分是必不可少的:即发件人、收件人、日期、事由和正文。发件人From的后面写上或打上写备忘录的人的姓名和职务。根据题目开头第一句便知From: Darlene Banner,Director of Human Resourecs。收件人To后面写上或打上收这份备忘录的人的姓名和职务。事由Subject的后面写上或打上该备忘录的主题。本题的难点是题目的三个内容要求只给了一个纲,考生需要把它写具体。同时要尽量避免语法错误。参考答案如上。
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